Source code for paranoid.utils

# Copyright 2018 Max Shinn <>
# This file is part of Paranoid Scientist, and is available under the
# MIT license.  Please see LICENSE.txt in the root directory for more
# information.

from .exceptions import InternalError
import inspect

_FUN_PROPS = "__verify__" # Name of dict used internally to store function properties

[docs]def has_fun_prop(f, k): """Test whether function `f` has property `k`. We define properties as annotations added to a function throughout the process of defining a function for verification, e.g. the argument types. If `f` is an unannotated function, this returns False. If `f` has the property named `k`, it returns True. Otherwise, it returns False. Users should never access this function directly. """ if not hasattr(f, _FUN_PROPS): return False if not isinstance(getattr(f, _FUN_PROPS), dict): return False if k not in getattr(f, _FUN_PROPS).keys(): return False return True
[docs]def get_fun_prop(f, k): """Get the value of property `k` from function `f`. We define properties as annotations added to a function throughout the process of defining a function for verification, e.g. the argument types. If `f` does not have a property named `k`, this throws an error. If `f` has the property named `k`, it returns the value of it. Users should never access this function directly. """ if not has_fun_prop(f, k): raise InternalError("Function %s has no property %s" % (str(f), k)) return getattr(f, _FUN_PROPS)[k]
[docs]def set_fun_prop(f, k, v): """Set the value of property `k` to be `v` in function `f`. We define properties as annotations added to a function throughout the process of defining a function for verification, e.g. the argument types. This sets function `f`'s property named `k` to be value `v`. Users should never access this function directly. """ if not hasattr(f, _FUN_PROPS): setattr(f, _FUN_PROPS, {}) if not isinstance(getattr(f, _FUN_PROPS), dict): raise InternalError("Invalid properties dictionary for %s" % str(f)) getattr(f, _FUN_PROPS)[k] = v
[docs]def get_func_posargs_name(f): """Returns the name of the function f's keyword argument parameter if it exists, otherwise None""" sigparams = inspect.signature(f).parameters for p in sigparams: if sigparams[p].kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL: return sigparams[p].name return None
[docs]def get_func_kwargs_name(f): """Returns the name of the function f's keyword argument parameter if it exists, otherwise None""" sigparams = inspect.signature(f).parameters for p in sigparams: if sigparams[p].kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD: return sigparams[p].name return None